we left Brazil so many years back
we left our hearts in Brazil
and they are still there! "
Thus my Swedish friends
corresponded to me.
After many years ...
Amazing ... not forgotten me.
Remembered smallest details
living together in our work
and I thought to be as invisible
imperceptible, transparent
Nothing! I was noted
How I was happy ...
In 2014, they intended to go back.
Watch the World Cup.
Then, will restore their hearts
That are next to mine.
we left our hearts in Brazil
and they are still there! "
Thus my Swedish friends
corresponded to me.
After many years ...
Amazing ... not forgotten me.
Remembered smallest details
living together in our work
and I thought to be as invisible
imperceptible, transparent
Nothing! I was noted
How I was happy ...
In 2014, they intended to go back.
Watch the World Cup.
Then, will restore their hearts
That are next to mine.
Sueli Rodrigues
Olá, estou seguindo seu blog. Dei uma repaginada em minha página e mudei de endereço. Agora estou no onde reuni todos os meus trabalhos com crônicas, poemas e músicas. Quando puder, dê uma passada por lá. Parabéns pelos teus escritos.
TWITTER @DiegoSchaun
I hope it's not dream, Only true!!!